"One night near the shore of the see I saw a girl dancing and I felt my cheeks wet of tears ....what was it that I saw? How was it that this "form" resonated with my soul in such a way...."
khatoon Fallah
said to herself when she discovered the path of her dance...
KHATOON (Khatoon Fallah) is a persian dancer whose rich and elegant dance has emerged from an admirable journey of self discovery.
From the cage of insufficient facilities of her homeland Iran…where despite all the obstacles in the way of a dancer, she worked truly hard… self evaluated her harmonic, mystical dance… most importantly using the best tool a dancer can use “the inner artistic taste”
She gave birth to and cherished the dancer she had discovered in her late 20s!…..she was unstoppable … 10 years of unbelievable hard work and a result truly matching the effort she has put into the path….. with all her being …an inspiration to all the girls of her dear country… Iran
KHATOON (Khatoon Fallah) is a persian dancer whose rich and elegant dance has emerged from an admirable journey of self discovery.
From the cage of insufficient facilities of her homeland Iran...where despite all the obstacles in the way of a dancer ,she worked truly hard...self evaluated her harmonic, mystical dance...
importantly using the best tool a dancer can use "the inner artistic taste"
She gave birth to and cherished the dancer she had discovered in her late 20s!…..she was unstoppable … 10 years of unbelievable hard work and a result truly matching the effort she has put into the path….. with all her being …an inspiration to all the girls of her dear country…..Iran
A short story of her path
In the beginning of her path she mastered the alphabet of movement under the supervision of Master Mansoure Ali Madadi in Tehran. Then she was trained in whirling dance technique (the sama dance of Konya) by Master Amir Hossein Hasani nia following which she worked really hard on her own style a unique style both physically and artistically empowered.
Afterwards, by inviting and organising a number of workshops for the great Master of Persian dance Shahrzad khorsandi (founder of SDA and SDC in California)
she had a fantastic experience of artistic collaboration in Tehran and gained an appreciation of her excellent classical persian dance style. During her career in Iran despite all of the limitations in front her she was invited to Italy by Asitica film festival Rome…
She then immigrated to Turkey and being provided with a whole new level of opportunities outside of her homeland she performed “Kadin” in Ankara in collaboration with two Turkish dancers… Besides she has had many performances around Europe and in art faculties of universities in Turkey and beyond.
From her own personal view the culmination of her artwork is the dance theatre “Kimia”
That she has performed on stage following the invitation of the museum of Warsaw city, Poland January 2020 and successively in directed and performed in Humburg, Germany. (further information here)
KHATOON is a super inspiring dance instructor… she never overloads her students with memorized choreographies; rather, she opens the gate and guides the dancer to her own unique pathway… encouraging them to bring their own art and creativity to the dance….to let the movements they learn from her…. fuse with their own dynamic and create movements coming from their own emotions…..her classes has brought about spiritual growth and the possibility of physical expression for her students….. and she continues to develop her academy even further with reverence to beauty…

She has had many overseas work shops on Persian dance and whriling (sama)
in addition, she has established many successful online courses via zoom including her exquisite dance theatre series ” the Gipsy girl”…. and the international and comprehensive course on “whriling dance technique and theory” with students from all around the world….
“In the art of dance you first discover the letters ,your first movements, you will then make your first words with them...then your first sentences .. .and one day you can write a tale to be remembered”
Khatoon Fallah
khatoon sema skirt
She has also established a sama dance custom company and online shop and now stands as one of the most diverse and elaborate in her design and production ….

Today Khatoon is a professional mystical contemporary Persian dancer, performer, master and continues to shine the light given to her through the waves and turns through movement and love…
may it bring to you loving light and give a little taste of a vast joy embedded within Persian dance and mysticism…