Khatoon Dance platform

KHATOON  is an enchanting name… its roots go back to ancient times….most probably coming from the ancient Persia… It means “lady”…”Nobel woman”… it is ,in its essence, a truly feminine word… It was mainly used as a way of respecting women upon calling…

In Persian literature also the word “KHATOON” has been used several times in the poems of Rumi, hakim Ferdowsi ,Nezami, Roudaki etc. Mostly for referring to women

My name is Khatoon… I take it as a reminder of love and essence of femininity… the essence of my dance… so is the name of this platform… a place to gather our sacred feminine beings together… and connect us to the Divine lover and beloved… in this magnificent theatre let us move our bodies and souls to be a part of this show….our audience is the Divine beloved… My mission is to give you a taste of this art form coming from my country Iran… from the souls, emotions, lives of the Persian women and also representing the United femininity we all share…

Welcome to KHATOON dance my sisters…